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Get Involved!

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These are difficult times for many people in our community and a lot of us are looking for something meaningful to do; something that will make a real impact to meet the important needs of those in need. PROJECT OUR TOWN is always working to create meaningful opportunities to help.

We offer a variety of ways to volunteer throughout the year. 100% of the work done through PROJECT OUR TOWN is done by VOLUNTEERS! We absolutely could not do what we do without the help of all of our incredible and generous volunteers and donors!


We offer choices of at-home and in-person projects. View and sign up for upcoming volunteer projects below. Check back regularly as opportunities change all the time!

Questions? Please feel free to reach out to

current opportunities

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It is a crazy busy time at PROJECT OUR TOWN, even though it may seem a little quiet from your end!

  • We are transitioning into a new non-profit management system which will handle all our data, emails, events, registrations, donations, etc. AND we are currently building a new website! This continues to be a tremendous amount of work, but it will pay off in the end by making everything easier, faster, more organized and accessible. I am sure we will have kinks. Let us know if you have any questions as things start to look a little different.

  • Believe it or not, we are deep into planning mode for this year's Weekend of Action November 9-12. If you are interested in a leadership role for the event, please let us know at Regardless, make sure to mark your calendar and plan on helping us make it the best year ever!

  • We are planning several upcoming projects and will be announcing the dates this week. If you are on the mailing list, you will receive a notification. If you are not, please subscribe HERE.


Other Ways to Help


The more money that is donated, the more people we are able to help. 

If you would like to make a financial contribution, or your company is looking for sponsorship opportunities, contact us and we will help you find the perfect fit! More info HERE!

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