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Cindy Abramson
Co-Founder & Vice President
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Amy Becker
Co-Founder & Treasurer Elect

I have been a communications consultant for many years, working for businesses, non-profit organizations, and individuals, creating promotional materials, marketing collateral documents, developing branding, editing, writing, and website consulting (concept, content creation, and management). 


I have spent most of my adult life trying to find meaningful ways to help people both in my personal and my professional lives. PROJECT OUR TOWN 2018 was definitely the highlight of my professional career. It also had a significant impact on me personally. It was extremely fulfilling, and the realization of what can be accomplished when people come together to help others was incredibly powerful. 


Passion for the well-being of all members of our community is a fuel unlike any other, and this organization has succeeded 

beyond my wildest dreams. I can't wait to see what 2019 brings!

I have co-written and published two books (one is a national book award winner). Both books were labors of love and written to provide pertinent information, as well as making the reader feel supported, less alone, energized, and able to face the difficulties in their lives.


I am a third generation Denver native. My husband Rob and I have four children and seven grandchildren between us.

I grew up in Denver and from my early years as a teenager I was always involved in community activities. After college, I was appointed the Regional Director of Rocky Mountain Region B'nai B'rith Youth Organization, supervising programming for over 400 teens in Colorado, Wyoming and New Mexico. 

I was hired as the Director of Programming for Temple Sinai in 1994 and for the next 23 years I served not only in this role, but also as the Preschool Director, Assistant Executive Director and, finally, the Executive Director. Most recently, I co-founded and act as Co-Director of a brand new non profit organization, JTown, and with its mission of expanding community and social justice, PROJECT OUR TOWN is a perfect fit!


I am dedicated to serving my community and have dreamed of doing a project like PROJECT OUR TOWN for many years. I have planned and led similar, but smaller, programs for other organizations, and look forward to continuing to make this an extraordinary experience for volunteers as well as recipient organizations. 

I am very fortunate to have a wonderful and supportive husband of 17 years, Jeff, who always volunteers by my side. We have twin teenagers, Corey and Chelsea, who also are committed to social action activities and youth programming in the community.

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LeAnn Hait
Abby Goldsmith
Vice President

 LeAnn’s passion has always been philanthropy, especially providing kids an opportunity to volunteer and make a difference. She served as a Family Support Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity for nine years, helping families work to earn new homes and change their lives. She also served as the VP of Fundraising for Boy Scouts. She enjoyed co-chairing the Philanthropy Club at Belleview Elementary School and organizing fundraisers for Katrina Hurricane relief, as well as a book drive for an orphanage in Africa. She is also a member of National Charity League, a mother-daughter volunteering organization, and has served in various leadership positions over the last nine years.  


LeAnn was a member of the PROJECT OUR TOWN Leadership Council and is honored to continue to be a part of PROJECT OUR TOWN.  

Growing up in the funeral business and eventually becoming a Funeral Director is one of Abby's greatest gifts. She was able to serve families in their darkest moments and help them through the most difficult process. Each experience taught her something about life and compassion. Abby knows that life's greatest reward is to give back and she is thrilled to be a part of PROJECT OUR TOWN


Abby holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Policy from Northland College in Wisconsin. Before following in the family business, she worked as an Environmental Educator, a Project Manager for a non-profit, and a Graphic Designer.


She's married to R.D. Sewald (24 years now!) and has three fantastic sons; Ethan (22), Mason (20) and Truman (16). Abby also has 3 naughty, but loving, dogs and a geriatric cat.

Lin Sunshine
Vice President

Lin Sunshine, native Denverite, attended Colorado State University. She worked as an Executive Legal Assistant at a large Denver law firm for 25 years before retiring. Retirement didn’t stick and a volunteer job in 2010 became part-time employment in 2012.


Recently retired, Lin again finds herself employed part-time--this time as Volunteer Engagement & Events Specialist at 9Health.


Lin is married to Gary Sunshine and they have three children Elizabeth (Avi Knoll) Sunshine; Rebecca (Sam) Sunshine-DeWitt; and Benjamin Sunshine. Lin is thrilled to be a part of PROJECT OUR TOWN and looks forward to many years of success.

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Mark White

Mark White broke into international non-profit accounting in 1999 working for Habitat for Humanity International and supported over 25 country programs across four continents in 10 years. 


Leaving Habitat in 2009, he joined the American Refugee Committee and spearheaded the design and global implementation of a new accounting and grant management software system in less than 12 months.  


He now serves as ARC’s Chief Financial Officer overseeing the financial side of new country startups, emergency responses and mergers & acquisitions. Highlights of his 20 year INGO career include responding to the Asia Tsunami, the Ebola outbreak, the Syrian crisis and witnessing two coups in Fiji and Thailand.  

In his spare time, you are most likely to find Mark training, running marathons, or playing soccer.

Janet Johnstone is a technical writer, proofreader and editor. She has written procedure and policy manuals in IT departments for varied industries, including banking, transportation and telecommunications.  


She has an elementary school teaching credential, and has either volunteered in or worked for schools for decades. Her volunteer experience began in high school, where she volunteered at the local Head Start program. Besides schools, Janet has volunteered at libraries, women’s shelters, religious institutions and food pantries.


Janet and her wonderful husband have two daughters. She enjoys cooking, gardening, hiking, reading and playing with her pets.

5910 S. University Blvd, Ste. C-18 #121, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80121


PROJECT OUR TOWN is a 501(c)(3) US tax exempt organization founded in 2019 and based in Denver, CO.

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