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school supply Drive

Our School Supply Drive will continue throughout the summer with goal of providing supplies to all 1200 treatment facility school students in Colorado!

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Our annual School Supply Drive benefits some of Colorado’s most at-risk kids in our community. Given the issues with COVID 19, we can no longer accept school supply donations or organize volunteers to sort, package, and deliver supplies to the schools. Instead, we are forced to rely on monetary donations to procure supplies and have them shipped directly to the schools.  

Thank you Giving Tuesday for helping non-profit organizations like ours by creating this opportunity for us all to stand in unity and use our powers of generosity to remain connected and heal. The COVID 19 pandemic has brought with it unprecedented circumstances for everyone. Non-profit organizations are being hit hard

Every $25 Donation Provides School Supplies for a Child!

These are some of the most traumatized kids in our community. They already face physical, emotional, and/or sexual abuse, severe mental illness, poverty and food insecurity—and this was BEFORE COVID 19. It is safe to assume their situations are not improving.


For $25, you can provide supplies for one of these kids. Each additional $25 helps one more child...

and so on... Hopefully, we will be able to help ALL 1,200 CHILDREN! It is a HUGE goal!  


We are not just asking you for a donation, we are asking you to make a difference.

Why A Treatment Facility School?

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Students typically get hand-me-downs or go without basic school supplies. Having their own makes a real difference in their confidence and willingness to learn. With something as simple as school supplies, we just might move the trajectory of their lives even a little bit, but the impact can be tremendous. When kids do well, the whole community benefits!

One of our greatest fears right now is not being able to help these children that count on us.

Will you help provide a child with school supplies?

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