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About Project Our Town

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PROJECT OUR TOWN is a non-profit organization that empowers people to help others. Through both on-going opportunities and our annual 4-Day Weekend of Action,  PROJECT OUR TOWN creates opportunities for volunteers to participate in meaningful, impactful projects that serve the community.

Founded by Cindy Abramson and Amy Becker, PROJECT OUR TOWN was born from a passion and a belief in the responsibility we have one other as human beings. See below for our story.

PROJECT OUR TOWN started as a two-day event for a non-profit organization called JTown. The response was so large and impactful, that it was obvious it needed to be its own organization in order to reach its full potential. So, in January 2019, our new organization was founded, a Governance Board was formed, paperwork was filed, and we hit the ground running. 

We have been so fortunate to be able to do this work. It is fulfilling and meaningful, hard and time-consuming. We are awed by all of the things that are being accomplished and the feeling of being inspired never seems to wear off. We are incredibly fortunate to have several remarkable volunteers that have joined us on this journey. They amaze us every day with their commitment, generosity, and passion. Please see the "Our Leadership" page (under About) for information about our Board members.
Some of our volunteers lead large divisions of work for the Weekend of Action in November. Others do things on an occasional basis, but they all bring so much talent, heart, energy, and enthusiasm. We set our goals very high and, with these big-hearted , hard-working people, we continue to meet and exceed them!
Below are the Impact Reports from the last three years' event weekends, School Supply Drives, and Toiletry Drive. As you can see, this kind of work really resonates with people. It is still hard to look at it without getting a little choked up. There really is no better feeling in the world than knowing that you have made a real difference in the lives of others.
If you want to know more about PROJECT OUR TOWN or the Weekend of Action, let us know. It is our very favorite thing to talk about! We sincerely hope that you will get involved throughout the year and participate in November's event. You will be so glad you did!
With full hearts,
Cindy Abramson & Amy Becker
WOA Impact Report 2021.png
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2019 PROJECT OUR TOWN Weekend of Action
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POT 2019 School Supply Drive Impact Repo
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